Judges and Evaluators
Judges and evaluators officiate at assessment days and competitions in various capacities. The first step is to attend a STAR Judge Seminar, where training is provided to ensure prospective candidates can assess skaters confidently and successfully.
Judges and evaluators officiate at assessment days and competitions in various capacities. The first step is to attend a STAR Judge Seminar, where training is provided to ensure prospective candidates can assess skaters confidently and successfully.
Technical Panel
Technical officials are key members of the competition assessment team. Their role is to assist in the identification and value assessment of elements within skaters' performances. Training for technical officials is provided at the Section level and above.
Technical officials are key members of the competition assessment team. Their role is to assist in the identification and value assessment of elements within skaters' performances. Training for technical officials is provided at the Section level and above.
Data Specialists
Data Specialists (DS) set up and operate the computer systems at all levels of competitions. They are trained to work with the judging and technical panels, to translate skaters' scores and assessments into results. Training begins with Region level events progressing through Section level and above, and includes a combination of practical experience and e-learning modules and exams.
Data Specialists (DS) set up and operate the computer systems at all levels of competitions. They are trained to work with the judging and technical panels, to translate skaters' scores and assessments into results. Training begins with Region level events progressing through Section level and above, and includes a combination of practical experience and e-learning modules and exams.
BCYT Section Page for Officials www.skatinginbc.com/officials
JUDGES -http://www.skatinginbc.com/become-judge-and-evaluator
DATA SPECIALISTS - www.skatinginbc.com/data-specialists
TECHNICAL UPDATES - http://www.skatinginbc.com/technical/officials
SKATE CANADA RULES - info.skatecanada.ca/index.php/en-ca/rules-of-sport.html
BCYT Section Page for Officials www.skatinginbc.com/officials
JUDGES -http://www.skatinginbc.com/become-judge-and-evaluator
DATA SPECIALISTS - www.skatinginbc.com/data-specialists
TECHNICAL UPDATES - http://www.skatinginbc.com/technical/officials
SKATE CANADA RULES - info.skatecanada.ca/index.php/en-ca/rules-of-sport.html